I love potato salads in all shapes and forms! Here on the site you will also find American Potato Salad and a Warm Potato Salad with Bacon.  

What is on your picnic must-have list? For me it’s a Creamy Potato Salad. There’s nothing as yummy and easy as a good potato salad, and this one is extra special with green apples, raisins and walnuts for some crunch! I hope you guys had a nice long weekend and Memorial Day!

Tim, Lola and I went to Central Park to enjoy the sunny day and do a picnic! We packed our food in our nice picnic basket and took the subway to the park. Tim was a little nervous, since it was Lola’s first time on the subway, but she did great and stayed quiet on my lap during the whole trip. (Technically you can only carry a dog on the subway if he/she is inside a carrier, but Lola is too big to fit in a carrier, so we took our chances! Thankfully, nobody said anything and mission “Take Lola on the Subway” was a success!)

First thing I did when we got to the park was kick off my flip flops and feel the grass on my toes. Oh, isn’t that the best feeling ever? I think it had been a year since I walked barefoot on the grass. After I got tired of walking around feeling the grass, we set up our to-go picnic table with the patriotic plates I bought this week (They are beautiful, aren’t they? Please tell my husband they are beautiful!) and we ate our lunch, which was the delicious potato salad that I’m sharing with you guys today, plus some crackers and some homemade lemon iced tea.

(Isn’t my family lovely? They both need some grooming, but they are lovely nevertheless!)

I seriously hope we get more opportunities to be outdoors and do picnics this year. It’s hard when you work weekends, like I do, but we are determined to try! It would also be great if we found an apartment with a deck or a backyard… Oh, all my grilling dreams would come true! But back to the Creamy Potato Salad: please feel free to customize the vegetables (sometimes I add carrots!) and/or amount of mayo in the recipe to your likings. You can also substitute it for the Light version if you’re watching calories! P.S. Wanna keep in touch? Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest to stay up to date with my posts! If you end up making one of my recipes, I would love to see it! Just take a photo and post it on your preferred Social Media and tag me or use the hashtag #oliviascuisine!   

Brazilian Potato Salad  with Apples  Raisins and Walnuts  - 17Brazilian Potato Salad  with Apples  Raisins and Walnuts  - 28Brazilian Potato Salad  with Apples  Raisins and Walnuts  - 59Brazilian Potato Salad  with Apples  Raisins and Walnuts  - 5Brazilian Potato Salad  with Apples  Raisins and Walnuts  - 45Brazilian Potato Salad  with Apples  Raisins and Walnuts  - 35Brazilian Potato Salad  with Apples  Raisins and Walnuts  - 63Brazilian Potato Salad  with Apples  Raisins and Walnuts  - 12Brazilian Potato Salad  with Apples  Raisins and Walnuts  - 92