(This post is sponsored by the folks at The Seeker Wines, but my love for their Riesling is all my own!) I simply live for dishes like this! Hearty, comforting chicken or beef that cooks for a long time and taste like… love. Yes, that’s the thought I was looking for. This Coq au Riesling tastes like love! Yesterday, when Tim got home from work, he told me he could smell something delicious from the hallway. He said he knew something special was going on and that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. That feeling, however, only lasted until I saw his puppy eyes when I told him he couldn’t eat the chicken because I still had to take pictures. Oh, the hard life of a food blogger’s husband! ??? I can’t blame him though. The apartment did smell like you wouldn’t believe it! And the wait was totally worth it, because the Coq au Riesling was PHENOMENAL. Definitely the best thing we’ve eaten in recent times!

I wish I could say special dishes like this Coq au Riesling happen on a daily basis in our home, but the truth is that more often than I’d like to admit, my husband gets home to a huge mess, with an overworked wife, running around like a mad woman, trying to finish her to-do list (which never happens, by the way!). I am far from complaining, because I am lucky to work doing what I love and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. But the fact that I’m so busy does mean that we have to live off easy, 15 minute meals, while elaborate dishes like this one, only happen sporadically. It doesn’t have to be a special celebration, like birthdays or holidays, although this dish would certainly impress guests on any of those occasions. It is usually for Sunday supper or even for dinner on a day where I managed to get things done and have an hour to spare, like yesterday.

The good news is that even though this Coq au Riesling will take at least 1 and a half hours to be on the table, you’ll only have one pot to wash at the end! Also, apart from some browning and sautéing, most of the work is hands-off, meaning that while the chicken is braising, you get to read a book, watch your favorite Netflix show or sip what’s left of the Riesling you used on the dish. Or maybe even open a new bottle! ? And speaking of Riesling, make sure you use a good quality dry or off-dry variety for this recipe. A good rule of thumb is to always cook with a wine you would drink! One of my favorites is The Seeker Riesling, from Mosel in Germany an off-dry Riesling with crisp acidity and vibrant fruit flavors that really enhance this dish. I’ve been of fan of The Seeker Wines ever since I laid eyes on their fun labels featuring mid-19th century flying machines that embody an era of wonder and mystery, of explorers out to conquer the known world and beyond. It totally fits the mission of this very blog, who aims to take you on a journey through flavors from around the world. After all, who doesn’t love the idea of being taken on a journey by trying new wine varieties and delicious dishes, and feeling the trill of adventure and discovery with each sip or bite?

If you can relate, I am 100% sure you will LOVE this dish as it takes your tastebuds straight to France (the Alsace region, to be more specific!) . This Coq au Riesling was not only a huge hit in our home, but it was possibly one of the best things I have ever cooked. Serve it with rice, buttered noodles, potatoes or just with some crusty bread, and you have a perfect comforting meal to serve to your loved ones!

For this recipe, I recommend:

This post was sponsored on behalf of The Seeker Wines via One2One Network and it contains affiliate links. All opinions stated are my own. 

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