This post is sponsored by Smithfield. Have you ever attempted to make crepes at home? No? It’s okay. Up until recently I hadn’t either. Last year I finally decided I wanted to learn how to master this french delicacy, so I made the most amazing Dulce de Leche Crepes. And, let me tell you, the whole idea that crepes are hard to make is the biggest BS in the culinary world.  Because if I can make it, you can make it! Pinky promise!

At the end of the day, crepes are just thinner pancakes. And easier to make because they are made in the blender without the need for whisking arm muscles!  They just sound fancy, and therefore complicated, because everything sounds fancier in French.  For example: mon chouchou – expression of endearment used by the French – means “my little cabbage”. I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer my husband do not call me cabbage. 😂  But I digress… My point is: crepes are easy to make and will impress anyone because of its fancy “frenchiness”. And they are very forgiving too. Even if you get them all wrong and they come out not as paper-thin as they should ideally be, they are still edible and delicious.  Plus, your crepe abilities will get better with practice. This time I only screwed up one crepe! And that was because I was too much of a wimp to turn the crepe using my fingers and thought it could be done with a spatula. Oh, silly me! Moral of the story? You have to get your fingers in there. Yes, it’s hot and not comfortable. But you will survive! All in the name of yummy french food!

This time I wanted to attempt making savory crepes, so I went all French bistro style and made Ham and Cheese Savory Crepes with Hollandaise sauce.  Fancy enough for brunch but also easy and nutritious for a regular breakfast! After all, breakfast is no mere meal – it’s the most important meal of the day, so you should always celebrate it in grand style! And ever since I had gestational diabetes and had to revisit my diet, I’ve learned that more than any other meals, my breakfast has to be packed with protein. Easier said than done, right? Except, Smithfield has our backs with simple and convenient, yet hearty and wholesome products. For these crepes I used their Smithfield Anytime Favorites diced ham, but any of their varieties would work as well. They are available in 20 different cuts/flavors and are ready to use in any of your favorite breakfast recipes. Including this one, aka your new favorite savory crepes recipe! 

And now that I got you all excited to try these Ham and Cheese Savory Crepes, you are probably all ready to go out to buy one of those expensive crepe sets with a special crepe pan and all the shenanigans.  Stop right there! There is no need for a specialized pan. Just make sure you use a good nonstick skillet and that you grease it with plenty of butter so your crepes don’t stick! (But, of course, feel free to use the crepe set you got as a wedding gift and never used. Been there, done that!) Seriously, you have no excuses not to make crepes at home. And once you master them, the sky is the limit.  Savory or sweet, we should all be eating homemade crepes on a weekly basis! This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Smithfield.  

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