Let me start by saying that I should never ever make this recipe again! It is just too dangerous. As in “I ate it all in two days dangerous”. ??? I had so many ideas on how to use this delicious pecan butter. I was going to make muffins, a milkshake, banana bread… But noooo, the whole thing ended up on crackers and in my belly. Ashamed? A little. Regretful? Never. It was SO GOOD! ❤️

This all coming from someone that doesn’t care for peanut butter. ‘Whaaaaat?’. Yep, I know, I know. You are probably thinking there might be something really wrong with me. But the truth is I don’t love PB like most people do and I’m okay with that, because that means more space in my heart for all things Pecan Butter-y. And Almond Butter-y too, since I also love that stuff! Now, the thing is, the world – or the food industry – cares way more for all the peanut butter lovers out there than for us poor pecan butter lovers. Hence why you can find a million brands and varieties of peanut butter but you are lucky if you find one single jar of pecan butter. ‘Why oh why, must the universe do this to us? ??? We will have to settle for some other nut butter and lock our pecan butter love deep inside so it never sees the light of day again!” WRONG! Take my hand. Come with me! There IS light at the end of the tunnel. What if I told you that you can make your own pecan butter at home? And what if I told you it would take less than 10 minutes? All you need are toasted pecans, a pinch of salt and a powerful blender. And if you want to go the extra mile: some brown sugar and a little cinnamon.

Now, if you do not own a strong blender (like a Blendtec or Vitamix), you can do this using your food processor. It will just take a little longer! Could you hand grind it? Absolutely, if that’s your thing. Dust off your mortar and pestle and get working. In the mean time, I will have made a bazillion batches with my blender and will be enjoying it while watching some Netflix shows. ? But, hey, no judgement. Some people really love the old fashioned way of doing things!

Whenever I make nut butter at home, I like to use raw nuts and toast them myself, so I control the amount of salt that goes into my butter. If you’re in a hurry and have some store-bought roasted pecans at home, go for it but skip the salt if your roasted pecans are salted. Once you’re done eating your second jar of this delicious homemade pecan butter – because believe me, you will end up making two or possibly three batches – I guarantee you will be inspired to try other kinds of nut butter. That’s what happened to me and I am now completely obsessed with making nut butter at home! I am thinking my next adventure will involve hazelnuts, or perhaps Brazil nuts as a homage to my home country. What do you think? And when that happens, I’ll make sure to report back to share my creations! So stay tuned! ?



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